On Sundays
CPC Kids age range is from 4 to 12. We want to encourage an atmosphere of caring for one another, children learning to share and serve and to put others before themselves.
We follow lessons which show from the Bible, from creation onwards, the necessity for a Deliverer, with Jesus being the fulfillment in every way. We also look at other Biblical characters who teach us many things. Our time together includes prayer, the week’s lesson, games and activities.
We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God, which has power to speak into every child’s life.
On Sunday, we meet together at the 10am service in which we praise and worship God together as a church family. It is vital to us that the children experience and understand how important this is for us all. At approximately 10:45am the children go upstairs to CPC Kids, whilst the sermon is given to the adults downstairs. Everything we do is focused on helping the children understand that God loves them and wants them to develop a personal relationship with Him.
For further information email: info@cpcparkstone.co.uk